Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Graduation Speech College Education - 963 Words

What a college education means to me? It means pride, determination, and opportunity. The pride I have in knowing that even though I have had many setbacks and faced many challenges that I was able to overcome them and achieve one of my greatest accomplishments working toward a college degree. My determination allows me to wake up every day and even though it is not going to be easy to work, I will make sure I am able to study and complete all my school work. An opportunity, I am in no way ashamed that I have not completed college, but I know in today’s world this limits how far I can make it in the job market. I know that with a degree I will get closer to finding a career that I can be successful at and enjoy doing. I realized in high school I set so many goals for myself, but lost sight of them as I got older. I went into the workforce and put a college education on the back burner. I realized now as I get older I got so consumed with just working because it seemed so much easier to do than face the challenges of going back to school. I gave up on myself and decided it was easier to give up than to try. Now I am truly seeing if I don’t believe in myself no one else will, I have to be willing to try and willing to fight for better opportunities and that starts with finishing college. Venus Williams once said, â€Å"you have to believe in yourself when no one else does – that makes you a winner right there† (Williams, n.d.). So starting this journey of a college education, andShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech On College Education1666 Words   |  7 Pagesyears of college, or work hard for the rest of your life.† What he meant, was that if I pour all my effort and hard work into achieving a degree during the four years I am in college, I will most likely live comfortably the rest of my life, as opposed to not having a college degree; breaking my back every time I go to work. However, the college life has many elements that pr event it from being a piece of cake, elements consisting of society s views of college. Attaining a higher education becomesRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Education1689 Words   |  7 Pagesthan ever that having a college education is an unavoidable requisite in order to better ourselves. Every year thousands of students graduate high school and start to enroll in college. Another key factor in the decision towards obtaining a college degree is the example the young student saw at home; however, not all of the young students entering college come from a family with college graduate parents, which can play as a huge motivation in their path toward their college degree. Many people seeRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Education1326 Words   |  6 PagesA decade or two ago, a college education was considered more so a privilege rather than a choice. Today, our society takes education for granted by opting out of it because of the expenses, the stress and many other reasons t hat comes with going to school. Is a college education still worth having? Arguments will continually arise that it is no longer needed to be successful in today’s world. However, research and statistics continually prove that having one will remain far more beneficial than notRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Education928 Words   |  4 PagesGoing to college can be a very rewarding experience for a traditional, or non-traditional student who wants to go back to school. More money on a paycheck can be a reason why someone would want to presume their education. Another reason why someone would want to go on to college would be to increase their intellect so they can be more sophisticated in life. Someone might also want to further their education because college teaches your life skills. A college education can be very rewarding for aRead MoreGraduation Speech On College Education1229 Words   |  5 PagesCollege Education After graduating high school, several students decide to go off to college while many others find want to take a break from school, then continue later on. Sometimes, there are people that have entity approach intelligence where they believe that college is not for them and therefore find something else to do, so they look for jobs and decide to work. They believe that if they try to get into this new environment, they will not even achieve anything; therefore, they do not evenRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Education895 Words   |  4 Pagesheard was the word college. From the old days of kinder garden and especially up until senior year of high school my entire life revolved around what college I wanted to go to. I believe that most people see a college education as a luxury, a grand accomplishment. There’s many different type of colleges to go to; community college, state universities, and so on. For me, the biggest thing is not where I go to college. For me, the big gest thing is simply to finish my college education and be able to walkRead MoreGraduation Speech : Becoming A College Education860 Words   |  4 PagesBy taking the first step and acquiring a college education I am beginning the next necessary phase towards a rewarding future. This process is indispensable in providing a means to a lucrative future for me, or anybody for that matter, who is determined to stay focused and complete the work required. By choosing to continue on to four year degree, my college education will provide me with many opportunities and clear the path towards financial security, independence and self satisfaction upon completionRead MoreGraduation Speech Over College Education Essay1686 Words   |  7 PagesOver the years, there has been a great deal of debate over college education and it’s worth to society and the students who is currently contemplating where they should go or not. In addition, the question of cost, and just how expensive college has become over the last decade has come to attention. It is clear that Americans and important figureheads have argued over whether the benefits of attending college outweigh the benefits of just high school diploma or another type of post-secondary schoolingRead MoreGraduation Speech : A Rite Of Passage1527 Words   |  7 PagesFor many adolescent individuals in America, graduation is considered a rite of passage. Often, Americans couple graduation with a celebration of opening a new chapter of their life. Specifically, transitioning from a high school student to a graduate. In this essay I will explain what a rite of passage is and what graduation is. Also, I will discuss how graduation is approached as a rite of passage in my culture, and what celebration in regards to graduation looks like and means to many. Almost allRead MoreAnalysis Of Graduation By Maya Angelou960 Words   |  4 PagesEssay on â€Å"Graduation† by Maya Angelou Racial segregation was very dominant in the United States in the mid nineteen hundreds. This is the time that Maya Angelou was graduating from the eighth grade in Stamps Arkansas. The theme of racial segregation is well shown by the how different the schools of the African-Americans was compared to that of whites in the essay â€Å"Graduation† by Maya Angelou. In the essay the Angelou points out that Lafayette County Training School didn’t have a lawn, hedges, tennis

Robert free essay sample

Late assignments will not be accepted. You must submit to me the names, student numbers, and contact information (phone and e-mail) for each group member. Give some thought as to who you want to work with in your group. Up to 30% or more of the grade for your group assignments can be apportioned based on the quality of the writing/presentation. There are usually novo deliverables associated with each group assignment. First, you need to submit to me a Power Point file, with no fewer than ten and no more than twenty slides, including the title page.Second, where applicable, you will submit to me a file with one or more Excel worksheets that support the work in your Power Point file. If there is no need for an Excel file, your power point submission will constitute the full value of the weeks group submission. Otherwise, the Power Point file and the Excel file will be of equal value. We will write a custom essay sample on Robert or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Submissions will be made electronically in the Assignments Folder on Blackboard. Individual Case Write-ups Everyone will submit their own executive summary of the case by midnight of the Tuesday night of the week in which we are going over that case. Write-ups will be in Word, will be two pages in length or less, and will define the main issue, your analysis of the main issue, and the resolution(s) thou recommend. Secondary issues, risk management issues, etc. May be addressed if there is space available. Submissions will be made electronically in the Assignments Folder on Blackboard. Your individual submissions will be due at the same time as your roof submissions for a particular case, midnight of the Tuesday night of the week in which we are going over a case. Late assignments will not be accepted.All individual case write-ups will have to be submitted to Turning. Com. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. You will receive a failing grade in the course if you are caught cheating, as well as a Disciplinary Notice in your academic record. Even if students do not receive a failing grade, students may receive a substantial penalty on their work if they have engaged in plagiarism or other academic misconduct. In addition, students will not be allowed to drop the ours in the case of academic misconduct. Only two of the five individual submissions will be graded.Each will be worth 5% of your grade. You will received feedback on both of your individual submissions but you will only receive feedback during the semester on your first graded submission. You can receive feedback after the last week Of the course on your second graded submission. You will only know which submissions have been graded after you receive the feedback back. Apple Labs. (10%) There are a total of five Apple labs worth 2% each for a total of 10% of your grade. They are due by Tuesday night, 11:45 of the week in which the material is first covered in class.For example, Mergers and Acquisitions is first covered in week 8 (class 7) of the course, so the Apple lab on M;A will be due by the Tuesday night of the eighth week of the course. Please note that there is one exception to this rule. The first Apple lab on the cost of capital will be due on the Tuesday night of the third week of class, not the Tuesday night of the second week of class. Detailed deadlines for the labs are posted at the Apple website. Each of the labs covers material that students will be covering in class and in the homework.It will give you the opportunity to measure your progress in understanding the material. The students highest score for any lab will be the one recorded for grading purposes. You may make a maximum of THREE attempts at any Apple question/page. Each lab contains a number of questions. However, after the due date has passed, students will not be able to make any additional attempts at the labs for marks. Alternative to Apple Labs (10%) You are not required to complete the Apple Labs. Asana alternative, you can choose to write three quizzes spaced throughout the semester. Each quiz will be worth 3. 3% of your grade.Each quiz will be 30 minutes in length, and each will be scheduled at 6:00 P. M. On Friday night, on the 4th, 8th, and 12th regularly scheduled Fridays of the semester. Accounting for Reading week in the Fall or Winter semesters, the actual weeks will be the 4th, 9th, and 13th weeks of the semester. Appropriate adjustments will be made for the Spring/Summer semester. The format can be any combination of multiple choice, short answer, essay or case format. The room number will be supplied to you at least four days in advance of writing. Please note that the room number will probably not be he room in which you take your class. The material covered in each quiz can include any of the material covered up to that point in the course. If a student misses a quiz and has a properly completed medical certificate the student may transfer the weight of the missed quiz or quizzes to the next quiz. In the event that a student misses the third quiz, he/she may transfer the weight of the missed quiz or quizzes to the exam, assuming that the proper medical documentation has been submitted. The absence of proper medical documentation will result in a grade of O for the weight assigned to that quiz.If you wish to choose this alternative to Apple, you must inform your instructor via e-mail no later than the third Friday of the semester. If you have not done so by that time, you will have forgone your opportunity to choose this alternative. Using Apple has the following advantages over an alternative to Apple: It is accessible on any computer with internet access, 24/7. It provides the ability to complete homework assignments online, allowing 3 attempts at the assignment. It provides feedback to help you learn as you complete your homework.Any and all material covered in class will be examinable, as will any and all eternal assigned from the reading materials that are not covered in class. The exam is comprehensive, covering the material from the entire course. The regularly scheduled exam can be any combination of essay, case, short answer, true/false or multiple choice questions. Please note that there will be lots of reading material assigned that cannot be covered in class, due to time constraints, and conversely, that some of the material covered in class will not be covered in the assigned readings.In addition, specific Apple questions or Apple style questions may be used on the exam. The exam is closed book. However, you will be able to use one note sheet, 8. 5 * 11 inches. You may use the back and the front of the note sheet. You will not be supplied with this sheet. You will be responsible for preparing it on your own. Students are allowed to have whatever they want on their note sheet. The note sheet does NOT have to be handwritten. Regulations concerning conduct during tests and exams are contained in the Code of Student Conduct and the Reason Calendar.A make-up exam will also be given to students who do not attend the exam due to illness, if they produce the necessary documentation within the accessory time frame and if they contact me by e-mail prior to or at the time of the exam to notify me. Please see below for formal procedures to be followed. More generally, please contact me as soon as you recognize that you may be having problems with the course. Maybe I can help or offer some guidance. Please note that make-up exams maybe any combination of formats (case, essay, short answer, fill in the blank, essay, multiple choice, etc. ).